• 0418820380
  • ellybellcreations@gmail.com

2020 Reflection

I’ve learnt that not everyone is right for me in my life. I’m a lot stronger than I thought when it comes to knowing what’s right and what’s wrong. What would normally have broken me has just given me the strength and power to grow.


I have learnt that we live in a pretty good country and whatever has happened with covid, 2021 is going to be a better year for everyone and we can hopefully say good riddance to Covid.


 I have learnt as a mum, it's important and is ok to have “You time” to take time for you and to do something that makes you happy. My babies are growing up so fast and with my number 1 starting kindy in 2021, who is already blowing us away with the little lady she is becoming. I have realised that life gets busy, time doesn’t slow down and it’s important to stop and spend time with your kids and people that lift you up and make you happy in your life.


Running my own business is the hardest thing I have ever done and is also the longest-running challenge I have stuck to which has shown me that it's my absolute passion and it's something I want more than anything for me and my family. 


I am so lucky to have the most amazing family and friends in my life, always supporting me and pushing me to do better. So  I have decided that 2021 is going to be an amazing year. I have been given an amazing opportunity in 2021 to grow not only myself but to grow my business and am so excited about what it will bring.


As I am writing this, I’m listening to the radio and my favourite song of all time has just come on. People that know me well, will know the song I am talking about. This song happens to come on at the most amazing random times. Just when I am needing a lift, inspiration or if life is good.


Come at me 2021


I hope 2021 brings you all the love, happiness and dreams that you are wanting.


Find your song and just dance until your heart is content.